We would love you to join our team!

Why Satellite is your next career level up:
Culture. We still have the sense of family at over 100+ employees. Our associates are smart, passionate, friendly and our leadership team genuinely cares about the health, wellness and growth of each person at the company. We gather regularly despite our separated locations, maintain a company newsletter of our events, host social events such as the annual beach party and celebrate employee accomplishments yearly during the holidays. We understand that life is a balance of personal and company life and flexibility is important.
Benefits: 401K Match with Confidential, free 401K investment counseling from company paid licensed advisor independent from our Company to help you plan your 401K mix. Flexible Spending Accounts, and Employee Assistance Program (EAP), ADP retail discount programs for a variety of everyday items. Medical choices from a number of different plans and Company provided disability limited policy at no cost. Dental, Life and vision options, paid sick and vacation. We have you covered!
Training. This is an opportunity for someone talented who wants to advance and be mentored one on one with supervisors and engaged by multiple learning tools in their field including time set aside for online training regularly.
Stability. Economic downturns and challenges have come and gone over the 50 years but our resiliency and stability provide many of our associates a consistent growing place to work. Some of our associates have been with us 15-20 years and some are new to the industry. We provide a lifelong career with our supporting environment.